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Prevention Tips 

Nagy Pest Control wants to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle by reducing pests related issues around your home or business.  We aim to educate, recommend solutions and offer our services that will greatly reduce unwanted pests leading to prevention of future issues.

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Gutters not being cleaned out will provide breeding sites for mosquitoes, flies and other insects.  Standing water in a gutter will also attract wildlife animals looking to drink plus inviting them to chew their way into your attic or eves creating a much larger problem.  Water overflowing onto eves will cause wood rot leading to the attraction of insects or a wood pecker to eat the insects. 


Keep gutters cleaned out, install gutter guards and keeping water away from your home or business will help prevent many pests issues.  Making changes in the terrain to keep water from puddling including buckets, pools, fountains, wheel barrels, children toys will help reduce pests like mosquitoes from breeding.

Entry Points can allow pests to gain entry into your home or business which should be sealed and inspected often to maintain that these areas remain sealed.  We often find doors including garage door seals damaged, holes in foundations or vents, missing or damaged laundry vent covers, no chimney caps, utility lines entering a structure not sealed allowing pests to gain entry inside.

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Removing Excessive Clutter is a must in preventing pest issues. 

When you have boxes, bags of trash, excessive items around a structure, firewood or scrap lumber, old vehicles or machinery lying around will attract all types of pests including wildlife animals.


Keep your grass cut, remove excessive leaves and weeds, cut back tree limbs and shrubs from having contact with a structure will discourage pests including wildlife animals from wanting to hang around your property reducing future issues.

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Interior Excessive Clutter can cause major pest issues and health risk.

Keeping the interior of your home or business clean and free from excessive clutter will greatly reduce pests issues including spiders, ants, centipedes, fleas, dust mites, gnats, flies, mice, rats leading to feces matter. 

We recommend keeping all areas clean from splattered food and crumbs, clean up spills, vacuuming or mopping floors frequentl, dusting surfaces, storing items in sealed plastic containers including food items in your pantry or work areas (desk) to reduce pest issues.


Wildlife Animals can be a major problem if they live or travel through your property as they can transmit many types of diseases, bacteria, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, bite or attack your family including pets, damage your property including lawns, under porches or decks, trees and your home.

We love animals and do not want to cause harm to them which is why we recommend deterring wildlife animals from your property to avoid any ongoing issues they create.  Cutting back tree limbs away from your home, reduce vegetation around your home, fence in gardens and compost piles, control insects and mice which can be a food source for some wildlife animals, avoid feeding wildlife with bird seed, pet food or throwing out food waste around the exterior of your property will greatly reduce wildlife animal issues.


Even if you do all of these things mentioned above, you still may need a professional to deter, trap, remove or seal areas to prevent and control a wildlife animal issue.

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We Do Not Offer Wildlife Animal Trapping or Removal Services due to our disagreement with the State of Virginia euthanizing laws when animals are trapped and can not be relocated to another area.

Rodents are made up of mice, rats, moles, voles, chip monks and squirrels.  These critters can cause extensive damage to your property and need to be handled in a safe, effective, humane manner which is why we use repellents, exclusion tactics, live traps and sealing entry points to keep these critters out as our first line of defense.

The Dangers Of Using Rodent Poisons or known as rodenticides, mouse or rat bait including snail bait, mole and vole baits.  Rodenticides are extremely dangerous causing accidental poisoning to children, pets and wildlife animals every day.


Rodenticides and other poisonous bait products can come in an array of colors, shapes and sizes designed to kill rodents, snails or target critters by shutting down vital body organs usually made from ingredients like blood thinners or high doses of Vitamin D3 and other dangerous modes of action.

Nagy Pest Control uses exclusion tactics, sealing entry points, live traps and repellents to control rodents.  WE DO NOT USE RODENTICIDES (Poisons)

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A safer bait to use is a product called Rat-X and Mouse-X so check out this video

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